Kristen Hagler BS, RVT, VTS (Physical Rehabilitation), CCRP, CVPP, OACM, CBW Charter Member
Deana Cappucci LVT, VTS (Physical Rehabilitation), CCRVN, CCMT Charter Member
Wendy L. Davies BS, CVT, VTS (Physical Rehabilitation), CCRVN Charter member
Mary Ellen Goldberg BS, LVT, CVT, SRA, CCRVN, CVPP, VTS-Lab Animal Medicine (Research Anesthesia), VTS (Physical Rehabilitation) Charter Member/Retired
Individuals who achieve certification from a NAVTA-approved academy will have the ability to use the VTS (shown above) with the addition of the text delineating their specialty area of certification. Members of the Academy of Physical Rehabilitation Veterinary Technicians are approved to use the delineation VTS (Physical Rehabilitation). The title VTS (Physical Rehabilitation) is a registered Trademark with the USPTO and violations will be promptly investigated.